Re: [DFR] Squirrel CORVID
Start: In comparable conditions, my best Corvid starts are basicly the same as my best A3 starts. However the one corvid start where I pushed at a slightly off angle was nearly as good as my good corvid starts and also better than my slightly off A3 starts. So basically a perfect corvid start can be the same as a perfect A3 start, but the A3 needs more precision to keep that same perfect start.
One very important key fact on the starts was learned on a 2 way with an A3 piloted by someone of similar skill. We exited together and kept pretty much the same shallow arc all the way past the 45, but then as I went to max glide, he started to sink. The A3 should have slightly better glide than the Corvid, but as its a faster suit, it needs more speed for that glide. Although it is capable of just as short of a start as the Corvid, if you need max glide right off the start, you will need to take the start a bit steeper to access it. I will have to do the math for the minimum start needed for each suit to fly max glide and the difference in glide ratio and make a chart to find out at what point down and out does the A3 overtake the Corvid in glide after having its steeper start.
If you plan on diving into terrain after exit to build speed and you just need the shallow start to clear some ledges and you have your exits dialed, there shouldn't be a difference in start and either suit will work fine. The corvid will be better if your push technique isn't perfect every time or you need max glide directly off the shallowest possible start.
Flight: . It feels right at home coming from the A3. After one mellow jump on it I felt totally comfortable flying the same lines and tree gates I had been doing the week before in my A3. I haven't had the chance to take it on any super steep flight yet but i have take it a bit steep and it feels just as stable as my A3 flying anhedral.
Flare: The flare is great, So far my biggest has been 82' and that was from only 123 mph total speed coming off a 2.0 glide back to the LZ. I'll post back once I have a chance to dive a bunch before a flare. It feels like the A3 gets a slightly bigger flare for the same effort although that makes sense with the A3 being a faster suit.
Pull: The pull is super easy. I nearly reached past my BOC on my first jump it was so easy. The wing pressure is nice and low for a very stress free pull. During the deployment the glideskin on the leading edge allows really easy toggle without touching a single zipper. You can get that same toggle access on an A3 if you order the GS leading edge (I have also reached my toggles without unzipping in an A3 with everything zipped and 5mm foam in stock leading edge, it is possible in an emergency but not ideal).
Corvid vs. Aura3: If slightly off technique and not the best possible start means death on the exits you regularly do, get the Corvid as it has more margin. If you need max glide off a super underhung exit, get the Corvid as it needs less speed to fly. If you don't stay supper current and are a more causal jumper, get the Corvid and trade that little bit extra performance for an easier suit.If you're a new jumper and this will be your first big-suit in BASE, get the Corvid. When the A3 came out, I was a little bummed that Squirrel didn't have any current options for someone starting big suit BASE. I felt the A1/2 were great for that but the A3 wasn't forgiving enough for beginners. The Corvid fills that hole. Its starts are more forgiving to poor or inconsistent technique, it's more relaxed to fly (less like a race suit), its pull requires less effort. It's just easier and more forgiving all around.
If a perfect start is needed to access certain lines but a little bit worse is still survivable on your exits, get the A3. If you have room to dive off the exit after clearing some shallow ledges but you need a lot of glide further out in the flight, get the A3 and its extra performance will show later in flight when you flatten it out with all that speed. If you're very current and consistent with your exits and you want the more performance, get the A3.