Re: [AntoineLaporte] Squirrel CORVID
AntoineLaporte wrote:
Thanks for the weight precision, 500g on the suit is always nice. You did not told that it was a light version of the Corvid so I did not understood why you called it feather like, and I was trying to understand why the Corvid would be lighter than any other suit in the "normal" version.
My bad, I should have included that in the original post, I will edit it to include the part about the CloudLite.
AntoineLaporte wrote:
Question was not which container you prefer but don't you think it's safer to have a longer one ?
PC in the same place if you do skydive and BASE will never happend, it's not a good argument for me. I have 15-20cm difference between my shorter and my longer container, never had any trouble finding my PC as I'm not jumping the shorter one with a wingsuit, and as I'm jumping wingsuit with a wingtip pouch.
In terms of the Stream2 vs CRUX, the difference is minimal and they are both designed around wingsuiting in terms of length, fit, and BOC placement. The main difference is the pinflap, the Stream has the most secure protection I've seen on any rig, great for backflying and any direction of windflow except for from the bottom up. That makes it less ideal for slider down and the fact that the bottom of the container extends past the laterals gives a snag hazard for you bridle on a mistimed pitch on aerials. The CRUX has a more standard pin flap design, similar to the Profile, LD4, and other wingsuit friendly rigs. It has flaps on the laterals that go to the bottom of the container to prevent that bridle snag hazard and the more "standard pin-flap is better for subterminal. But the lengths are nearly identical and they are both designed to be wingsuit friendly. Because the PC is in the natural position for me to reach back to while wingsuiting and doesn't require me to bend my arm much at all, but also isn't so far down that it feels almost a stretch to reach, I would not say that it is less safe to jump than a Stream.
AntoineLaporte wrote:
I asked the question of the "loose" because I already heard a feedback about it and the as most people are now liking very tight suits they might be surprised by this.
Maybe I'm just used to the looser fit but I have nor issues with it. I have jumped other peoples suits at the DZ that were tighter and didn't notice much of a difference. Were these people mentioning they like the very tight suits flying Squirrel or another brand? I have flown a few suits from other manufactures where I did prefer the tighter fit. It may have been because they had slightly lower internal pressure so once inflated it didn't feel as ridged or as snugged up making me feel looser in it? I think different manufactures fly differently and need to fit differently and be flown differently. Also if you always have a tight suit you might be really used to it and need to change your flying style for a looser fit. I am pretty skinny for my height so most used suits I've bought have been built for someone heavier than me to fit my height and been looser, and for new suits I order, I have always needed to fit layers and gear in my suit so they are on the looser side as well.
AntoineLaporte wrote:
You don't think that being part of the manufacturer team should be said, I do, and now it's said.
I would not buy a car/washing machine/3D printer/snowboard/whatever based on the feedback of a team/sponsored athlete, but I will read his review for sure, like yours.
I've noticed that there is not a "not good" point in that kind of review, and there are always some from a normal buyer. Some of these not good points will make the difference for some people, and will not change anything for others.
This is not about brand war, Squirrel products are mostly very good, it's about honest reviews. I'm asking the same questions to the same kind of reviews from other brands.
Fair enough. Well I am not on the Squirrel team nor have they ever paid me to post anything on here or say good stuff about their gear (Joe). The majority of my suits, canopies, and containers have been full price from them. They have occasionally helped me out with price on a few pieces of gear for specific projects that we were both excited on. But you can check their website (or email them to ask) but I am not on the team.
I've ordered and owned brand new containers from Adrenalin, Apex, Asylum, and Squirrel. Same with canopies from Atair and Squirrel (flown canopies from a few others too). And accessories from Adrenalin, Apex, Asylum, Squirrel, Badseed, and Blacksheep. I like to nerd out on gear and try a bunch of different options. I usually share my opinions on gear with friends and post things about them. The only threads I've started on here have been on the Aura3, Hayduke and the Corvid because there weren't threads on them yet. Joe makes fun of my comments on the Hayduke calling it clearly advertising (it's not) yet he's never flown a Hayduke and nothing I said in there is false. I am really stoked on that canopy. Before getting it, I had my Outlawlite and my OSP. I didn't want to sell the OSP while only having the Outlaw because the Outlaw didn't do everything I needed for all of BASE. It was a little better in a total stall than the OSP and had a very fast recovery arc and was great for really technical LZ's but the OSP had a bit stronger of a flare and a bit better of glide. So I kept both until I found something that I liked more. You can read my post on it (Joe linked it somewhere up there) but I was getting the same feeling in deep brakes on both the OSP and the Hayduke which was amazing! and I don't think anyone will argue that the Hayduke doesn't have more flare or glide than the OSP (it is very similar to the Vision).
So that post was me buying a new canopy, realizing it does everything the OSP did that my Outlaw didn't, but also much more which made it my favorite canopy that I've owned (which is why I sold my others and replaced them with Haydukes) and I wanted to let people know my experience with it since I hadn't seen anything else posted. As Tom said above, all those canopies are available in Twin Falls to demo, so you should probably go try them before buying. I also think it's pretty normal for a customer/friend of a company (or even a sponsored team athlete which I'm not) to post things they like about their gear. I think it is kind of awkward and reflects poorly when a representative of/ another company feels the need to comment on and try to discredit all those posts. Especially when they don't even relate to a class of product that company competes with. Each to their own, I guess...